#scherlock holmes
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Sharing this opportunity for people who have played The Devil's Daughter!
Hallo, Wir sind ein paar Stundentinnen aus Augsburg und machen eine Studie zum Videospiel 'Scherlock Holmes: The Devils Daughter'. Wir suchen Gamerinnen für eine Umfrage. Für die Teilnahme bekommt man einen 10 Euro Gutschein auf Steam. 🤩 https://discord.gg/q4vcA7SS
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Les danseurs, Scherlock Holmes.
Los bailarines de Sherlock Holmes.
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After Lock as Scherlock Holmes, you voted to do Jack from Tnbc.

I weighed to do it as Jack Sparrow buy then I wanted to do it funny.
So there's Jack Skellington as Jack-Jack from Disney's The Incredibles
Poor Jack
#the nightmare before christmas#drawing#digital art#jack skellington#nightmare before christmas#tnbc#comics#funny#jack skeleton#the incredibles#disney
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Mycroft Holmes is such an interesting character to me truly like he's and intelligent reptile who lives alone and owns a bizzare men's club in England where no one speaks to each other, yet he still cares for his brother even though he represses his emotions and is probably based off of an Oscar Wilde play that alone is so quintessentially British
#i just want mycroft to appear more often in the books but i guess Arthur is dead#scherlock holmes#it is a phase#mycroft holmes#im watching the 1970s version rn#sherlock holmes
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dubium sapientiae initium
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#verificaconvivenza per annullare l'assegno di mantenimento del coniuge, con prove inconfutabili (foto e video) anche per #separazioni e #divorzi, tutela minori (droga e compagnie di dubbia moralità).
Altri servizi offerti #servizifiduciari #controlloaccessi #portierato #reception.
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10 TV Shows that I like in Gifts
Thanks @raptured-night for tagging me :)
Rules: Type 10 TV shows that you’re currently watching in the gif search and post the first gif that pertains to each show. Then tag 10 people.
1.- Daredevil
2.- The Gifted
3.- Jessica Jones
4.- Scherlock Holmes
5.- Dr House
6.- Once upon a time
7.- The Big Bang Theory
8.- Dragon Ball Super
9.- Star Wars the Clone Wars
10.- Star Wars Rebels
I tag:
@potteryet @justyouraverageshittyblogger @oftimelordsandwizards@sleeplesspensieve @thelazybamf @magicalwayswins @orochiscarlett @galaxiaspruce @saltyqrow @acciosnapeslove
#10 TV Shows that I like in Gifts#Daredevil#the gifted#Jessica Jones#scherlock holmes#dr house#once upon a time#the big bang theory#dragon ball super#star wars the clone wars#star wars rebels
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Beautiful!!! The drawing and the Motive!!!

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THE LOVE LETTER | sherlock holmes
Title: The Love Letter | sherlock holmes
Pairings: Henry Cavill!Sherlock Holmes x Y/n!Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: In which, Enola found her brother's love letter.
“Dear Scherlock,”
Enola hasn’t finished the whole letter and yet she already pulls a face, disgusted with the sender. It’s not because of a thought of her favourite brother having a partner. If anything, she would be the happiest person on Earth seeing Sherlock standing with a woman—a remarkable woman—beside him.
But, out of the many outstanding, smart, remarkable women in this century, why must this woman Sherlock choose? Who did this woman think Sherlock is? A German?
“By the time you’re reading this letter, I might not be in England anymore. And I should’ve told you this a few days ago, but nowhere seemed the right time.
“But then again, when is the right time when it comes to me and us...”
Enola wonders how long is a few days ago. Has it only been a few days? Well, she would like to think that it’s only been a few days since Sherlock received the love letter. But judging by the faded ink, she thinks it must be three weeks the least.
And the hole at the centre, and the rips at the edges give Enola an impression that Sherlock must have been rereading the letter since the day he received it. With that case, Enola wonders how much his brother likes this woman, how much this woman means to him.
She wonders if she knew this woman because let’s face it—since Enola knows Sherlock, she never not know Sherlock’s lovers. Call it a perk of being an inspired detective. She might learn one or two tricks to spy on her brother from her brother himself and she’s guilty to pull the tricks on her own brother.
Enola continues reading the letter out loud even though she is well aware that she could be caught by Sherlock at any moment seeming that she is, indeed, in Sherlock’s apartment. (One of the places where she enters and leaves anytime she’d like.)
Enola could feel this woman’s frustration with Sherlock through the letter. Glad that she’s not the only person who feels like it. Even being his sister is frustrating.
Everything is a no, for instance. Like “No, I don’t need your help.” Or “No, you can’t stay.” Or “No. Just no.” And then there are times when he acts like he loves you yet says the opposite. It’s frustrating to make Sherlock opens up upon something. Just anything.
Enola guessed, he is the same in romance.
“I just wanted to let you know that I—”
“That’s enough now, Enola.”
Sherlock, out of nowhere, without warning, snatches the love letter from his sister’s delicate hands, leaving her agape in shock.
“I suggest you leave before I call Mycroft to make you leave,” Sherlock threatens while refolding the letter and carefully slips it into the pocket of the same vest he wore to sleep last night, securing it as if it’s the most vulnerable thing in the world.
Ignoring her brother, Enola says, “Would you care to tell me—”
“And for the thousandth times, Enola, stop touching my belongings!” Sherlock turns around and starts making his way towards the living room, where he works most of the times, before turning back around to face Enola.
Enola frowns. “What?”
Squinting his eyes at his sister, Sherlock says, “How did you get in?”
“How did I get in?”
“Into my apartment. How did you get into my apartment? Did you steal my spare keys? Ah, wait. No. Don’t answer. I don’t think I want to hear it.” Sherlock sighs before making 180 degrees turn and gets back to his desk.
Her eyes trail after her brother’s figure before he stops in front of his desk and sighs and runs his hands through his face and hair.
“God...” he whispers to himself.
Enola observes Sherlock’s living room. To her, there’s nothing wrong with it. There are still papers on the floor though on a stack rather than scattering all over. His working desk is neater unlike last night where there were unwashed coffee mugs here and there. His journaling pens are inside their holder—right here they belong.
“It was all a mess, Sherlock. And I was bored while waiting for you to wake up so I helped a little.” Enola shrugs rather than coward away. “Plus, now you can work without difficulty.”
“Work without difficulty? I almost had everything figured out, organised to its timeline.” Sherlock wants to shout but it’s impossible with Enola’s innocent doe eyes staring back at him. “This is… this is why I never invited anyone into my apartment. Now, leave before I—”
“Oh, don’t play that Mycroft card on me, Sherlock.” Enola puts a finger up to warn her brother. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me about that letter.”
Sherlock hung his hands on his waist. Annoyance is creeping inside him. “What about that letter?”
“Who sent you that letter?”
Sherlock shrugs. His face barely showed any emotions when he answers, “I don’t know.”
Enola narrows her eyes at her brother. It’s still hard to read Sherlock’s facial expression but she knows he is lying to her right now. “Do I know her?”
“Either you know her or not, that’s none of your business. Now, before I use a force on you, I suggest you leave.”
Enola smiles mischievously, crossing her arms on her chest. “Is it? Well, let me tell you what, brother. Whomever that girl is, I really think you can get a smarter woman because who the hell misspells Sherlock ‘Scherlock’?”
Something inside Sherlock twists. His eyes darkens as he looks into Enola’s eyes. “Hey. Don’t talk about her like that.”
“So you know her?” Enola’s face lights up as if she’s on the verge of getting the answer she wants. “And if you know her, than I must know her, too! Or is she someone new?” Enola beams.
A random curse escapes Sherlock’s mouth.
“Oh, come on, brother! Tell me! I swear I won’t tell mother and Mycroft about her.”
“Really? You would do that?” Sherlock doesn’t fully trust Enola despite her being his little sister, despite how she knew every woman he spent the time with or had a relationship with.
Hell, Enola even saved him from bad relationships on several occasions. But, regarding the current topic, not everything needs to be told, isn’t it? Even when she claims that she won’t spill anything to their mother—the woman whom she freakily closed with. And he knows that there’s nothing good coming out when Enola and Eudora together.
However, like Enola said over a few months before, that there’s nothing wrong in admitting that he could use a friend. Being constantly on the run, solving puzzles, fighting people, can get lonely. And seeming that the only friend he has now is Enola, there’s nothing wrong in confiding her, is it?
Sherlock finally let out a heavy sigh. Defeated? Maybe. How could he not when Enola is giving that innocent, puppy-dog eyes to him? That bright smile, curiosity in those similar dark brown eyes? Sherlock envies her sometimes. She seems to know nothing except laughing even though they’re under a difficult situation. So much reminds him their mother.
“It’s… Y/n.”
“Y/n?” Enola raises her eyebrows, confused for a split second.
She doesn’t believe her brother because she didn’t think it would be her to send a letter with a misspell, to be honest. Because the Y/n that Enola knew is clever and precise in her works. There’s no way she could misspell a name or a phrase especially when it comes to Sherlock.
Enola stares at her bother for a few seconds longer, waiting for him to tell her that he was joking. And maybe even an explanation, but nothing came. And Enola starts to try to read her brother’s facial expression.
First, Enola notices how serious he looks. But isn’t that how his face looks like all the time? Then, there is a tell on his face. One that means that Y/n purposely misspelled Sherlock’s name and that Sherlock knew it and he didn’t try to correct her because... that’s the only way for him to know that it’s Y/n.
Seriously, come to think of it, that was a brilliant way to communicate so neither of them get caught by enemies.
“Oh. Y/n.”
“Now, that you got your answer—” Sherlock closes the distance between him and Enola. He doesn’t have to put extra energy on her when he pushes her by the arm because her weight is nothing to be compared to his size, but it could be a struggle when she is pushing against him.
“But what does she want? Where is she now? When did you get that letter? It said—”
“No. you’re not getting anything else.”
Enola tries her best to fight her brother’s strength, but seems to no avail. The more she fights, the more she loses, and the more she’s tired. So instead, she let Sherlock leads her towards the front door of his apartment.
“Sherlock, please! I need to know that she’s okay. Are—Are you meeting her? I’d like to meet her. You know I missed her! I missed playing problems solving together. And—urgh—I would like to invite her to be on my team.”
“To be on your team?” Sherlock laughs sarcastically at Enola.
Why does she think that it’s a good idea to drag Y/n into this detective-spiralling world? And where did that idea come from?
Y/n isn’t a detective herself. She is a daughter to a duke and a pioneer—a brilliant pioneer and gambler, he must say. Her charm would melt every man in the room and her wit would make every man in the opposite chair to give up everything before the game even started. He was one of her victims. However, the harder he pulls away from her, the closer he gets. Now, here he is.
“I thought you said she was stupid.”
“But that—”
Before Enola could finish her sentence, Sherlock closes the door at her face with a loud bang. He intended to leave Enola hanging, but that loud bang, though. That was not intentional.
Y/n is mad at him. Sherlock knows that. And he will let her stay mad at him because he knows he was wrong. And he will let her stay mad him for as long as she wants even if only that would make the letters keep coming.
But, no matter how much Y/n has been writing for him, she never sent a letter twice in one week. Meanwhile she had explained how marvellous her voyage had been, another letter came only a day after Sherlock received the last one.
Sherlock didn’t think how crazy it would be to cross the ocean under one night for Y/n to meet him in England. Perhaps, he has lost his mind as well, but when Y/n says she wants to see him, Sherlock drops everything and instantly decides he will, too.
Sherlock may seem calm on the outside. After all, he is a detective. He cannot show any less emotion on his face or he would be the one in danger. But only God knows how nervous he feels inside when he sees Y/n’s beautiful figure (even though only from behind), waiting in her new dress (at least, the one Sherlock hasn’t seen she worn before), under the big tree.
After all these years, out of the many extravagant, nice places they have in England and yet Y/n chose a place where they had their first meet.
If Enola knew how much he had been practicing a reunion speech for Y/n, not only that young girl will mock him for the rest of his life. But she will make sure their mother knew how weak her middle son is despite being the most grudged-looking. And not only that Eudora will laugh at him for that, but will also treat him as if he is a baby. Not like that never happened before, but he definitely doesn’t want that to happen again.
“Y/n,” Sherlock greets the apple of his eyes.
When she turns around like a slow-motion, Sherlock feels the world stops. He lost every word. That reunion speech he had been mentally practicing disappears. It seems that he cannot do anything except stare at her.
It’s only been a few weeks, but she is already looking different. Sherlock isn’t sure if it’s the make-up that is making her looking more mature than the last time they met, or the way she pulls her hair into a neat bun, but either way, she looks prettier. Vibrant. Sherlock doesn’t know why he hasn’t asked Y/n a picture that he could keep in his coat watch.
“Hello, Sherlock,” Y/n greets him back. Her voice melodious. It sounds like she is singing in his ears. That snickers at the end of her lips. Oh, how much he missed those lips. “What, you’re speechless now, Mister Holmes? If I didn’t know you any better, I would think that you think I’m ugly.”
Yeah, it’s weird that Sherlock is speechless in front of a woman while he never have done so before... before he met Y/n. And he’d met a lot of women in his life before and even after Y/n left, but none of them were as beautifully confident as Y/n. It’s scary especially how she could drive Sherlock, a great and flawless detective, crazy and weak. But it’s also sexy as hell.
Sherlock licks his lower lip. Smoothing the front of his coat and clears his throat. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Y/n smirks. “Though I would love to hear you plead for forgiveness after those times you left me without any goodbyes.”
“I—I thought you’re in Spain.” Great. Now he’s stuttering.
“Oh, I thought you never read my letters,” Y/n teases.
It’s her defence mechanism that she had learned over years of spending so much time around people with titles, who think that they know more than somebody else, who think that they can get anything they want with a snap of their fingers.
“Y/n, I’m—”
“Sorry?” Y/n laughs. “After so many letters I sent and you only replied one? I have to be honest with you, Sherlock, I don’t know why I’m even here to see you. Perhaps, I missed your face. Perhaps, I’m here only to see my own heart breaks… again.”
“I never meant to treat you that way.”
“I could say I never meant to tell you I love you in those letters, ignored the one you decided to reply, and agreed with my father’s decision to marry me with another man in Spain.”
Y/n had done many things that could leave Sherlock heartbroken (that night when she beat him at poker, that day when she told him she had a date, that evening when Enola brought her to his apartment with blood pooling her dress, that day when she told him she was leaving). But to hear her to marry someone other than him makes his heart scattering to pieces.
“I could be pregnant with his child by now, Sherlock, and you still hadn’t replied my letters.”
“Y/n, I swear to you, I want to—”
“Is that why you wanted to see me? To tell me that you wanted to reply letters, but barely had enough time to do so?” Y/n makes a sound coming from her nose and shakes his head. “Write one alphabet if one second was the only time you have and I would still appreciate it and keep it with me everywhere I go.”
His heart blossoms with the thought Y/n bringing his love letter everywhere she goes. They can’t be together at most times, constantly feeling half a heart, but if a love letter makes them whole again. If only Y/n knew how he has been bringing that one letter with him everywhere he goes…
“But you didn’t reply my letters so, of course, I tried to forget you. And when you replied, asked to see me at a place where we first met and had an ideal date...” Y/n trails off, chuckling to herself at how crazy her life has been. “Your word. Not mine.”
Sherlock doesn’t need her to remind him that because he remembers everything that happened that day. He remembers how he felt before he asked her if she would like to have a date with him. In fact, it was similar to the one he is feeling right now.
He used to not believe in true love. But if what he is feeling right now was the sign, maybe he will have to believe it. Eventually.
Still tongue-tied, head in the cloud seeing Y/n for the first time after weeks, Sherlock tries to register what she had been delivering: One is about how she wants Sherlock to plead for forgiveness for all those times he left her without even seeing her first. One is about how she was expected to marry a man of her father’s choice. In between these, his mind suddenly takes him back to when he saw how sweet Y/n had been with Enola.
Then, she talks about how he had replied one of her letters that leads her to see him here. And—
Hold on a second—
Now, Sherlock must admit that he was drunk several times, here and there, especially when the case gets really tough with no leads. Also when he misses her so much that he can’t handle his emotion, but never in his drunkest mind that he would reply Y/n’s letter. No matter how keen he is because he thought Y/n would be safer that way.
Now he wonders...
“No. Don’t stop me,” Y/n slaps her hand in the air in front of his face. Indeed, she was in the middle of talking about how she had to run away from her own wedding, to get back to England and to be near Sherlock. “I’ve been saving this story for you to listen so that you know how you were at a massive lost.”
“I’m sure I have plenty of times to hear that story in the future,” Sherlock says, “but I need to know—that letter you said you received. You said it was from me?”
“How could have you forgotten the letter that you wrote yourself?” Y/n’s heart breaks with the thought of Sherlock writing the letter to other women.
“Tell me what does it say in that letter, my dear.”
Y/n feels her face heart when she hears Sherlock calling him with a pet name that he barely uses. She wished she knew why.
“Was it intended to be sent to someone else? Another women women perhaps?”
The end of Sherlock’s lips twitches with the thought of Y/n being jealous. And as much as he likes seeing that on her face, with a little argument about how she’s not the slightest bit of jealous, it’s not the time.
“Please. Y/n. That letter. Tell me.”
Y/n sighs, knowing that she won’t win this time. “It says, ‘Afternoon, December 24. Meet me at a place where we had our first date. I have something to tell you’.”
“Did you have that letter with you?”
“Why is it so impor—”
Y/n reads Sherlock for a few seconds before she takes the letter out from her purse and hands it to him. Indeed, she brought the letter with her. Brought it all the way home from Spain. And she’s not humiliated by it.
Suddenly, Sherlock laughs.
Y/n looks at Sherlock as if he had lost his mind. “Would you care tell me what’s happening? Why are you suddenly asking me about that letter? Why are you suddenly laughing? Sherlock?!”
“Oh, Y/n, how stupid can we be.” Sherlock is smiling, one so big that is showing his teeth and makes Y/n’s heart flutters. “Darling, I think we’ve been set up.”
“You’re saying you didn’t even want to see me in the first place? That me being here, running away from my own wedding, has been a useless effort?” Y/n doesn’t know what to feel. She thought she finally could hear everything Sherlock didn’t tell in the letters he didn’t reply. After what she had been through, Sherlock is telling her that he didn’t even want to see her?
“No, sweetheart, no.” Sherlock shakes his head.
Three pet names in one day, after months of not seeing other, after years of drawing the line? Sherlock must be out of his mind.
“You’re overthinking, my love—”
“—I’m just saying that someone set us up to meet here.”
“Who could—”
“Enola,” both of you say once that particular, mischievous young woman, cross both of your minds.
#sherlock holmes#henry cavill#enola holmes#detective#sherlock x you#sherlock holmes x reader#netflix#sherlock fandom#henry cavill sherlock holmes#millie#harry potter#bellatrix
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I can now legally publish a book where Gatsby goes back in time and tops Scherlock Holmes.
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Now thanks to Andrew Scott we have amazing head canons for Moriarty and Eurus xD
@motherfuckingrugirl thank you for sharing this with us.
The thing that makes me actually happy as fuck is that Andrew Scott watches RuPaul’s Drag Race
#andrew scott#scherlocked#sherlocked convention#moriarty#jim moriarty#eurus holmes#eurus#rupaul's drag race#rupaul#head canons#amazing ones#my art
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Denna månad går i deckarens tecken. Förutom att hunnit i kapp Aurora Teagarden-filmerna så började jag även kolla Murder 101 och Mystery 101. Bägge klart sevärda.
Bird (2020) [🆓]
Okej drama-action på en inte allt för stor budget. Med en mer van penna hade det säkert kunnat bli utomordentligt.
📺 Finns att se lagligt på YouTube.
Heist and Seek: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (2020) [👍]
How to Con a Con: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (2021) [👍]
Murder 101 (2006) [👍]
Dick van Dyke demonstrerar hur Mr Magoo skulle vara som Scherlock Holmes. Grymt underhållande.
Murder 101: College Can Be Murder (2007)
Mystery 101 (2019) [👍]
Collegelärare hjälper polisen med lokala fall.
Mystery 101: Dead Talk (2019) [👍]
Mystery 101: Playing Dead (2019) [👍]
Mystery 101: Words Can Kill (2019) [👍]
Reunited and it Feels So Deadly: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (2020) [👍]
Rosmersholm (1984) [🎭👎]
Stelt kostymdrama jag kämpade med att se poängen i.
📺 Finns på YouTube under relativt ljusskygga förhållanden.
Star Trek II: Khans Vrede / Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) [👍]
Star Trek III: Spocks Återkomst / Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) [👍]
Star Trek IV: Resan Hem / Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) [👍]
Star Trek V: Den Yttersta Gränsen / Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) [👍]
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) [👍]
Helt otroligt att de höll “original crew” i tjänst ända till 1991! Och att filmerna höll så pass bra klass.
Til Death Do Us Part: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (2021) [👍]
Inget specialval idag, men jag kan puffa lite för YouTube-kanalen “Movie Central” som lägger upp film lagligt på tuben.
#månadens filmer#senast sedda filmer#filmer#bird 2020#Aurora Teagarden#Aurora Teagarden Mysteries#Heist and Seek#How to Con a Con#Murder 101#College Can Be Murder#mystery 101#Dead Talk#Playing Dead#Words Can Kill#reunited and it feels so deadly#Rosmersholm#henrik ibsen#star trek: tos#Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan#Star Trek III: The Search for Spock#Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home#Star Trek V: The Final Frontier#Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country#Til Death Do Us Part
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Hello, Rue! What are your favorite books? Do you have one special book you hold close to your heart? :)
Hello thank you for dropping by again! ☺🌹
I like reading alot and my favorite genre is fantasy and thriller, my favorite books include the Scherlock holmes series and Agatha Christie books, Jane Austin classics, Harry potter, Percy Jackson series as well as YA fiction books by authors like Leigh Bargudo and V.E Schwab. My favorite book though is Howl's moving castle by Dianna Wyne James, I kiss that book goodnight and cuddle it while I sleep.
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Arthur x a fangirl MC Headcanon
Because we all have to celebrate his birthday today and this is the only bullshit I could come up with. Btw I’ve never watched Sherlock, so this isn’t going to be anything specific, but it’s supposed to refference the show.
When the shock of travelling to the past and ending up in a mansion full of vampired had finnaly went away, MC wasn’t necessarily relieved. Instead her mind was filled with worries that the others would never understand and Sebastian would probably find more than ridiculous.
She had no internet, meaning she wouldn’t be able to post something or scroll through her favorite tags on Tumblr.
She had been robbed of her gulti pleasure, not being able to relax at night when she couldn’t fall asleep. There was no fanfiction for her in this time.
At least there were no new episodes of her favorite show coming out. She could manage one month without that stuff. She could manage one month without freaking out or going on a fangirling rant.
It’s not like she actually shared her obsession with people in real life. So everything should be fine, right?
Well, of course things couldn’t be that easy.
Of course freaking Arthur Conan Doyle would be there! And of course he would be writing Holmes’ stories and of course she would stumble upon them and read them while cleaning his room.
It was torture, really.
And when she fell in love with Arthur and decided to stay in 19th century Paris, although she was happier than ever, the fangirl side of her was still DYING
She had just started reading the books for the first time. One time, she was on her second Holmes’ book. MC was reading, spread out on Arthur’s bed while he was writing. Things were alright until MC got to a scene between Scherlock and Watson. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. But for someone who had to go from being a hardcore shipper to never talking about them... it was thrilling. And needless to say, there was no way Arthur couldn’t hear what we today consider the fangirl squealing.
He snorted.
MC fell quiet, eyes wide.
She was embarassed and horrified.
He didn’t say anything for another minute and she had almost calmed down, ready to continue reading. Until-
“I must admit, that’s not a reaction I would expect from someone reading a crime mistery. Are you sure you’re not hiding a bittersweet romance behind those covers?”
From the smirk on his face, she was sure he knew more than he was letting on.
“Just... forget it”, she didn’t even try to excuse herself.
“And miss the chance for you to finally admit how in love with my stories you are?”
What? Was he kidding or was he for real?
“You and Sebastian both told me Holmes was still very famous in your time, remember? And I, for a fact, know that you are a fan as well.”
“This is my first time reading the books, remember?”, she counted.
This wasn’t happening.
MC had never before been ashamed of liking something or being a fangirl. If she had ever met the actors in real life, she would’ve been overjoyed and immediatly thanking them and telling them how much she enjoyed what they were doing.
But when it came to Arthur... it was very, very different.
First of all, he was an awful tease. She wasn’t sure she survive him.
And second, how would he react if he found out about the... horrifying disgrace fangirling was in modern times? Could she explain the fanfiction and memes to the ORIGINAL CREATOR OF ALL PEOPLE?
“It is my job to be observant, you know? And you had the words “I am SHERLOCKED” written on that futuristic phone of yours when you took it out the night you first came.”
She shriecked.
Then she tried to hide herself from the emberassment.
And then, OF COURSE, she had to fall from the bed.
“But, darling, is it really so terrifying to admit you love my stories?”
“Not if you knew what being a fan of something often entailes in the furute”
“Oh, you mean that lovely “shipping” of yours?”
“Oh and I found out there’s this wonderous thing called “fanfiction”.
MC could feel her cheeks burning. Trying to escape from the horrible situation she was in, she stood up and walked towards the door. Just as she was about to slam it behind her back-
“We are a much better couple than Sherlock and Watson, though, don’t you think?”
She had died, then humiliation had brought her back to murder her again.
When she accidentally spotted Sebastian in the hallway, she couldn’t keep her voice down.
she should’ve kept quiet, though.
for now her forehead was as red as her cheeks had been and hurt from that impossible flick.
Her life was doomed.
#idk what this is but i was bored#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikevamp arthur#cybird#otome#headcanon#hc#ikevamp hc#arthur x mc
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An introduction to scherlock-holmes-studies
Hey there! I am Maria and since I am new to the studyblr community I have decided to make a small introduction post.
About myself
❤ I am 14, going into year 10
❤ Gryffindor
Classes I take:
🧡 Geo
🧡 History
🧡 Maths
🧡 Bio
🧡 Chem
🧡 Physics
💛 German (fluently)
💛 English (fluently)
💛 Italian
💛 Afrikaans
💚 READ!!!!
💚 GOLF!!!!!
💚 Sail
💚 Sporty things
💚 Meet with friends
💚 Learn new things
💚 Travel!!
Movies and series I'd recomend
💙 Dr. Who (BBC)
💙 Sherlock (BBC)
💙 Love, Simon
💙 Harry Potter (!!!!)
💙 Downton Abby
💙 Lion King
💙 ANY Disney movie (!!!!!!!)
💙 Percy Jacson
Books I recomend
💜 Harry Potter (!!!!!)
💜 Love, Simon
💜 If I where your girl
💜 A Dog's purpuse (!!!!)
💜 Percy Jackson
💜 Magnus Chase
💜 The boy in striped pyjamas
💜 Th foult in our stars
Authors that write amazing books
💖 Rick Riordan
💖 Markus Zusak
💖 Rold Dahl
💖 J.K Rowling
💖 John Boyne
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I need to talk about RDJ's Scherlock Holmes
#rdj#robert downey jr#merry christmas to my one and only robert downey jr#sherlock holmes#tony stark#ironman#john watson#jude law
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‘Che disastro di commedia’, rocambolesco noir al Teatro Augusteo con effetto sorpresa
Napoli, 28 ott. – Ha debuttato lo scorso 25 ottobre al Teatro Augusteo di Napoli la commedia intrisa di umorismo inglese che ha conquistato l’Europa. Rocambolesca, sorprendente, “Che disastro di commedia”, piace al pubblico napoletano che ne comprende i giochi sottili di gag. La commedia sociale inglese trae spunto da un topos farsesco tipico anche di Petito. Sette attori in scena cominciano ad interagire col pubblico prima che inizi fattivamente lo spettacolo. Nessuno si accorge però di quel che accade. Un’apparente normalità cela l’essenza della commedia: smontare tutti gli schemi fino a rendere il disastro qualcosa di eccezionale. Battute, personaggi e scene vengono letteralmente fatte a pezzi dagli attori che si muovono sul palcoscenico come stuntman tra effetti a sorpresa e risate. Un dramma noir, un assassinio degno di Agatha Cristie o Scherlock Holmes, diventa ghiotto per un pubblico trasversale: grandi e piccini si stupiscono per quanto accade con la piéce londinese tradotta già in 20 lingue e replicata in Italia per il quarto anno consecutivo.
Alessandro Marverti, Yaser Mohamed, Marco Zordan, Luca Basile, Viviana Colais, Stefania Autuori, Valerio Di Benedetto, e Gabriele Pignotta giocano con battute lanciate sul palcoscenico ad effetto domino.
Sono loro le mani che “scompongono” il copione da mettere in scena con la compagnia amatoriale che tenta di produrre un ambizioso spettacolo che ruota intorno a un misterioso omicidio perpetrato negli anni ’20, nel West End.
Il canovaccio delle battute diventa il cubo di Rubik colmo di rompicapi da risolvere.
La piéce permette agli attori di ruotare sulla scena con tutte le facce ambivalenti che rappresentano il loro personaggio, così da mescolare in modo a volte indipendente, a volte interconnesso, tutti i colori dello spettacolo diretto da Mark Bell.
Gli attori del cast sono acrobati e il loro fare scenico crea una sinergica danza con la scenografia pensata per farsi e disfarsi secondo il piacimento di una estemporanea regia concepita dalle platee come un continuo work in progress.
’Che disastro di commedia’, fonda il suo successo sulla meraviglia inaspettata ed ha ragion d’essere annoverato tra gli spettacoli teatrali pluripremiati, alla luce della trappola di spirito che di volta in volta cattura ogni tipologia di spettatore.
Il noir si “tira al lucido” per Napoli, guadagnandosi anche all’Augusteo applausi e consensi a scena aperta.
L'articolo ‘Che disastro di commedia’, rocambolesco noir al Teatro Augusteo con effetto sorpresa di Pina Stendardo
source http://www.ilmonito.it/che-disastro-di-commedia-rocambolesco-noir-al-teatro-augusteo-con-effetto-sorpresa/
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